British woman says she was abducted by aliens more than 50 times in a UFO, shows evidence to prove it

Paula Smith claimed that she first encountered an alien from deep space during her childhood

The woman revealed that aliens took her on a UFO and showed her all kinds of new technologies–including ‘touch screen devices’ even before they were invented on our planet.

Despite a lack of scientific evidence, conspiracy theorists strongly believe that advanced aliens have been visiting the earth for hundreds of thousands of years. According to these conspiracy theorists, UFO sightings that are happening in various parts of the world are concrete signs of alien existence on the earth. Adding up the heat to this seemingly unbelievable theory, a British woman has claimed that she was abducted by aliens more than 50 times.

The mind-blowing revelation was made by Paula Smith, a 50-year-old woman from Bradford. Smith claimed that she first encountered an alien during her childhood, and it has continued ever since. The woman revealed that these advanced beings from deep space abducted her more than 50 times in a UFO.
Smith added that the aliens who abducted her also left bruises on her body. The woman also claimed that the aliens who abducted her were silver in color.

“I have experienced 52 paranormal incidents. There’s no warning and I can’t sense anything is going to happen. It just happens. All I can do is carry on as normal, otherwise, I’d go crazy. I was on a craft and the aliens showed me ­technology we didn’t have. They showed me a slideshow of pristine scenery which had a beautiful river that then turned black. The blue sky went blood red and I soon realized it was a movie of the Earth being destroyed through man’s greed,” said Smith, Daily Star reports.

Smith revealed that she initially saw the UFO in 1982 while she was in the woods. The woman claimed that the UFO had a shape of a boomerang with lights at its edges.

“I remember trying to run but it felt like the ground was quicksand, like sinking into the ground, then everything went black. According to my family, I had been missing for four hours, but I have no recollection of what actually went on. Ever since, the experiences haven’t stopped. I’ve been taken from my bedroom window and my bed,” added Smith.

A few months back, former Israeli space security chief Haim Eshed had claimed that alien existence on earth is real. Eshed also revealed that world powers like the United States and Israel are working together with aliens to develop advanced technology.